lately i've been a little stressed out. there have been lots of big changes happening in my life, and lots of new situations being thrown at me, on top of all the normal life stuff, like getting older, people coming and going in and out of my life, etc., etc... so, whenever i start feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, i go inward and reflect - we're talking the ultimate in the term "personal day" here. i write, i talk it out (yes, to myself), and i make *lots* of lists.
after hours of thinking today (and a little decluttering and organizing, too), i stepped out of my current world and time traveled a little bit. i thought to myself - what was i doing five years ago, on this date. and it dawned on me - i hadn't even started this part of my company, which now provides me with everything that makes up my entire life! i had started my first little project/business idea only a MONTH before this date five years ago. i had no CLUE i'd be sitting here taking a photo of my very own daffodils, from my very own yard, in my very own lovely little apartment (with my amazzzing iphone nonetheless)! i had none of this.
as i looked through photos from 2009, it even dawned on me that i don't remember being stressed out at all back then! that's not even possible though. i had no job, and i had no real certainty that this business would become anything. that is crazy!
so, i guess my point here, is that if you're having one of those days where you just feel like the world makes absolutely no sense, just know that in five years, you'll probably (almost definitely) solve some of your problems and you'll probably think your new problems are gigantic too. anything life throws at you helps you grow, and i guess maybe as i approach the big 3-0 i've started realizing that any of this "stuff" isn't that big of a deal pretty much most of the time. life does its own thing and all you're responsible for is making the best of it and trying to take the next baby or big step towards your best self. if i didn't quit my job five years ago and take that leap into business ownership, who knows where i'd be now. you have the power to make your dreams come true (even if you're compltely and utterly stressed the hell out today)! so i guess, thanks, past me, for making present me feel better today. you go, past me!